Moycullen, Co. Galway

Welcome to our parish website!

We hope that this website will be of interest to all in our parish, both at home and especially those abroad. We would like your input to make this website as useful as possible. If there are any groups in the parish who would like to be added to the links page, please send us your details. This site is intended to be an information and news site. Please help us to be of help to you.

Spiritual Communion Prayer

My Jesus,
I believe that You are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love You above all things, and
I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment
receive You sacramentlly,
come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace You as if
You were already there
and unite myself wholly to You.
Never permit me to be
separated from You. Amen


Holy Day Services:  

St Brigid’s Day Mass in Irish @ 9:30am on Sat 1st Feb. Candles will be blessed @ 7pm Mass on Sat 1st Feb. 

Pastoral Council’s ‘Cuppa & a Chat’, after 10am Mass on Sun 2nd Feb. All welcome! 

First Holy Communion & Confirmation Family Masses

Next Family Sacrament mass for first Holy Communion & Confirmation is on Sat 8th Feb 7pm.  All families with children preparing to make their first Holy Communion or be Confirmed in 2025, should attend this mass.  


All Welcome!

The parish website provides a wealth of useful information for all parish members, both local and out of the country. There is a particular emphasis on creating a community where everyone can contribute, whether it be adding local groups to the page or suggesting ideas for improving the site. It is important that the site is as useful as possible for everyone, providing up-to-date news and information to help keep in touch with the parish.
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If you wish to make an online donations to Moycullen Parish – Parish Bank Account Details

  1. Offertory: Bank of Ireland, Salthill  – Name: Moycullen Church-Current A/C – IBAN: IE10 BOFI  9038 4043 6971 19
  1. Dues: Bank of Ireland, Salthill – Name: Moycullen Church-Personal Revenue A/C – IBAN: IE85 BOFI 9038 4043 6971 27

Thank you.

Fr Martin Whelan PP 


Our webcam is live and therefore on 24/7, just click on webcam link above.  Recording on request to Parish Office.



Here you will find information on Church Mass times, Devotions, Confessions etc.


Baptisms are held on the first and third Sunday of each month, at 12.45pm. Please give at least two weeks notice.


Here you will find the information you need for getting married in the Church.


View or Download the latest Moycullen Parish Newsletter.