Moycullen, Co. Galway
Church Requirements
Both bride and groom are required to give 3 months notice to their current local parish priest (that is, in the last parish where they have lived and attended Mass for 6 months or more).
It would also be courteous to give 3 months notice to the parish priest of the church where the marriage will take place, and to the priest who will officiate at the ceremony.
Attendance at a Pre-marriage Course is mandatory.
In some areas, these should be booked one year in advance, due to demand. We recommend that you book your pre-marriage course when you book your hotel. See below for details about local pre-marriage courses.
Both bride and groom must contact the relevant parish priests (or parish offices) to obtain the following documents:
*** Please note that each of these documents must be dated within six months of the marriage date ***
Recent Certificate of Baptism
Recent Certificate of Confirmation
Letter of Freedom from each parish where the person to be married has lived for six months or more since age 16 years
Both bride and groom must arrange to meet their current local parish priest to complete the Pre-Nuptial Enquiry Form. This meeting should take place at least a month, and not more than six months, before the wedding.
Both bride and groom must bring the following documents to the meeting with their priest to complete the Pre-Nuptial Enquiry Form:
Recent Certificate of Baptism
Recent Certificate of Confirmation
Letter of Freedom from each parish where the person to be married has lived for six months or more since age 16 years
Marriage Registration Form from the State Registrar of Marriages (The Marriage Registration Form is reviewed by the priest at the meeting, and is returned immediately to the bride/groom.)
If one of the partners is not Roman Catholic, their current local parish priest will organise a Letter of Dispensation from their local Bishop.
For both bride and groom, their current local parish priest retains all of the documents (except the Marriage Registration Form), and forwards these documents with the Pre-Nuptial Enquiry Form to the parish priest of the church where the marriage will take place.
Exception: If either the bride or the groom currently resides outside the state, their parish priest will forward the paperwork to their local diocesan office, who in turn will forward the paperwork to the diocesan office of the parish where the marriage will take place, who in turn will forward the paperwork to the parish priest of the church where the marriage will take place.
Civil Requirements
Since 1st August 1996, a marriage will not be valid in civil law unless three months notification has been given to the Registrar of Marriages.
On 5th November 2007, the following new civil marriage regulations came into effect:
- The couple must meet in person with the Registrar at least 3 months before the wedding.
- Contact the Registrar early to ensure a timely appointment.
- The couple must bring the following information:
Photo identity — passport or driving licence
PPS Numbers
Name, address and date of birth of each witness
Proposed date of marriage
Name of the church where they wish to marry
Name of the priest who is to officiate — must be on the List of Solemnisers registered with the Registrar of Marriages
- The couple will receive from the Registrar a Marriage Registration Form — without this form, the couple cannot get married.
For further details, contact your priest or local Marriage Registration Office.
Address: Registrar of Marriages, Health Service Executive (HSE) Offices, Shantalla, Galway URL:
The following Pre-Marriage Courses are Accepted:
Accord, Galway — (091) 562331 —
As this Pre-Marriage Course is the only one recognised by the Diocese of Galway, please secure your course in good time in advance of your wedding.